CENTEROS News Blog 16 March 2021
Well it’s been an interesting time here at CENTEROS DCIM with the COVID 19 virus in Queensland, Australia and with many people in businesses now working from home. We believe we have been very fortunate because of where we live and life for the last year has been reasonably normal. The only time we were in any sort of lockdown was from March 2020 for about 4 months when we were in Level 3 lock down. Luckily, we were still able to get a takeaway coffee thank goodness!
So, what have we been up to? Of course, our top priority has been supporting our customers in whatever they need with regards to their Data Center software requirements. We’ve provided new equipment templates, worked on some modifications to Reports, and helped them with any questions they may have had. We believe our personal relationship with our customers is a top priority, as many of our customers have been working with CENTEROS DCIM for over 13 years, since the very early days of Data Center Infrastructure Management software. We have really appreciated their support over the last few years!
We’ve been involved in a project for one of our customers, to make it easier to track drives in servers and disk farms by adding Properties to CENTEROS DCIM. This will allow the Data Center manager and staff to add details of when drives are removed, dates of destruction and how they were destroyed. Once the data has been collected in CENTEROS DCIM this can also be reported on, using a Report specifically designed for this process.
We’ve also spent some of our time working on refreshing our website which we are incredibly pleased with and looks great! Many thanks to Robert and his team at Headway Information Services for all their hard work on the new website and for the SEO work they are doing now. The new website went live just over a month ago. We’d love you to have a look at it
You will be aware that CENTEROS DCIM runs with the Flash plugin and that this was End-of-Life at the end of 2020. According to our research the best option is to translate CENTEROS DCIM into an AIR application. We’ve been so very fortunate to find the right developer to head up this project and are estimating that we will have this solution available by the end of April or early May 2021. We’ve decided that this will be a free update to all our current customers, so will be connecting with them to install this as soon as it is completed.