centros service

Capacity Management

Our Services

CENTEROS Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) offers all the features you need to run a successful data center.
Our graphical interface makes DCIM a reality, allowing you to manage and explore all the facets of your data center from any location.


Master your data center resources

CENTEROS was built to make managing Space, Power and Cooling easy. Scale floor plans of each data center room show the position of equipment and the availability of space.

Color Coding For Simplicity

Color coding shows you instantly what is happening in a rack. The default view shows the amount of rack space which has been used by color. For example Orange indicates that 66.7% of rack units have been used or 28 of the 41 U’s are full.

Drill-down to view the front and rear elevations of racks and equipment to further check the actual location of available space including blade enclosures.

Different filters can be used in the room schematic view to display colors for heat load, weight and connections. Each piece of equipment contributes to these overall values and can be changed. The resources tab allows you to edit the details including the weight, power, heat, space and dimensions of the asset.

Our template library stores the resource information for common equipment. These templates can be used to quickly create instances of real equipment that are installed in your data centre. These Templates remove the requirement to repeatedly look up, interpret and key information for vendor specifications.

Contact Us

We can make your transition to our Data Center Management tool easy and painless. We look forward to hearing from you.




Victoria / Queensland

+61 3 9044 0994 / +61 7 3107 1700

New Zealand

 +64 9 486 3855